Business modelsB2B

Products 51 to 60 of 162

Cowless Milk by Perfect Day
Biotech components: Animal
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA
Intended consumer: Consumer
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 26,800,000 USD
Funding types: Venture Capital
Industry: Food & Agriculture
Market status: Under Development
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Food
Production process: Closed Production
Source: NASEM Database
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Input
Biotech components: Molecule
Business models: B2B
Country of production: Switzerland
Country of distribution: N/A
Intended consumer: Research
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/11/08 13:59 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: Shareholder Investment
Industry: Science
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Public Company
Product categories: Research
Production process: Closed Production
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: CRSP (NASDAQ)
Value chain stage: Finished Product
CRISPR/Cas9 Application in Poplar Trees by VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology)
Biotech components: Gene Editing
Business models: B2B
Country of production: N/A
Country of distribution: N/A
Intended consumer: N/A
Date added: 2020/12/18 14:35 (4 years ago)
Date last modified: 2020/12/18 14:35 (4 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: N/A
Industry: Industrial
Market status: Early Stage Concept + More information needed
Organization type(s): Research Institution
Product categories: Construction + Chemical
Production process: N/A
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Input + Platform
CropOS by Benson Hill Biosystems
Biotech components: Molecule
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA + Spain + Brazil
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2019/06/21 16:07 (5 years ago)
Known funding amount: 34,700,000 USD
Funding types: Venture Capital
Industry: Food & Agriculture
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Research
Production process: Closed Production
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Platform
D(-) Lactic Acid by GC Innovation America + Myriant
Biotech components: Plant
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA + South East Asia
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/09/13 15:16 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 110,000,000 USD
Funding types: Government + Venture Capital
Industry: Industrial
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Chemical
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Input
Danisco Xylanase by DuPont
Biotech components: Enzyme
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: Europe
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 2,147,483,647 USD
Funding types: Shareholder Investment
Industry: Food & Agriculture
Market status: On the market
Organization type(s): Public Company
Product categories: Feed
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: DWDP (NYSE)
Value chain stage: Input
Biotech components: Molecule
Business models: B2B
Country of production: Switzerland
Country of distribution: USA + Canada + Switzerland
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2019/05/15 15:47 (5 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: Shareholder Investment
Industry: Industrial
Market status: More information needed + No longer on the market
Organization type(s): Public Company
Product categories: Fuel and Energy
Production process: Open Release
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: BAS (ETR)
Value chain stage: Input
Detalzym GA L-E5 Glucoamylase by BASF + Verenium
Biotech components: Enzyme
Business models: B2B
Country of production: Switzerland
Country of distribution: Germany + USA + China + Japan
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/12/26 15:16 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 2,147,483,647 EUR
Funding types: Shareholder Investment
Industry: Industrial
Market status: No longer on the market
Organization type(s): Public Company
Product categories: Fuel and Energy
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: BAS (ETR)
Value chain stage: Input
Disease-Resistent Cacao Plant by Innovative Genomics Institute
Biotech components: Plant
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/10/08 14:51 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: N/A
Funding types: Private Funding + University
Industry: Food & Agriculture
Market status: Early Stage Concept
Organization type(s): Research Institution
Product categories: Plant
Production process: Open Release
Source: Web search
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Finished Product
DNA Nanorobots by Wyss Institute + Harvard University
Biotech components: Enzyme
Business models: B2B
Country of production: USA
Country of distribution: USA
Intended consumer: Commercial
Date added: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Date last modified: 2018/08/30 11:49 (6 years ago)
Known funding amount: 37,000,000 USD
Funding types: University + Government
Industry: Health
Market status: Early Stage Concept
Organization type(s): Private Company
Product categories: Medical Treatment
Production process: Closed Production
Source: SynBio Database
Trading symbol: N/A
Value chain stage: Input